Wednesday, 4 June 2014

How i got here

After doing my GCSE's I was finally glad to be able to call myself a college student.. No more horrible P.E lessons, no more sports day, no more horrible high school food.. I WAS FREE! That is until everything started going in wrong in college. I mixed with the wrong crowd and although I thought these people were my friends and I loved them it just didn't seem right to waste my education by skipping my hideous Law and Psychology classes (which I was hating and failing) to sit around smoking a fag and have a chit chat about what we got up to last Friday. I changed it around for myself  in time luckily, I ditched these classes that clearly were not right for me and I got on the right track. After three years of college my attendance finished at %85.60 at the highest its been since attending East Norfolk Sixth form College and I am finally glad to say that I am now currently doing my last college exams ever! Its been one heck of a journey and after working my ass off on my third and final year to at least attempt to get into a university, I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED!
Its chaotic at the moment, seems like it was only yesterday that I was putting on my tie for school in the morning and I'm now finding myself in Wilkinson debating on which Kettle I should take to university. Talking about kettles, I had no idea how expensive plates and cutlery is, madness! I'll be moving into my accommodation on the 13th of September which is an hour and a forty minutes away and I know leaving my friends, family and boyfriend behind will be hard but I'm ready to start this next step in my life and I refuse to miss out. They've all been extremely supportive listening to me go on and on and on about things i still need to buy and what theme I want my room to be and so on, I feel like a little girl sometimes.. me against the big bad world with bowls and spoons by my side oh and not forgetting my pug door stop.
I have a feeling I will miss my mum telling me to clean my room and doing my washing, dad annoying me every morning calling me moody for ignoring the three times he has already said "good morning" , me and my brother shouting names at each other (sibling love) for the fun of it of course and lastly having my boyfriend come over within 20 minutes of me saying I'm feeling down or ill. However... for now.. i see freedom ahead and I'm loving the idea of it. Late nights with my soon to be housemates, going out drinking more often, more independence, having the boyfriend stay over for longer with no one hassling me to do anything and lastly burning a bit of toast here and there.
Cant wait..
Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

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