Saturday, 1 November 2014

Settled in

Almost two months in and i feel properly settled in now. My bags are all unpacked, my room is how i would want it to be (most of the time) and i now know how to get around. Although, it wasn't all that easy, i still find it hard to go home for the weekend and come back without crying. Miss everyone back home really, its a massive change from one day to another and i was definitely home sick at one point, i just sat in my room and cried. I've been home two times since getting here, mum and dad try to visit me here and there but they've been working. Thankfully my very understanding boyfriend has come to visit me quite a few times. One weekend at home is definitely not enough to spend with the family, the boyfriend and friends. I feel like i always disappoint someone when i try to spend the weekend with everyone.

Not working is doing my head in, i cant seem to find work here and doing nothing in the evening as well as the lack of money is driving me crazy. I miss working, i feel completely useless without having a job its just been so long. The first few Fridays and Saturdays off was nice but now im bored and ready to get out there, not in nightclubs mind you i'm done with that especially with the clubs around here. Talking about clubs I've only been out twice since getting here, i got so hammered the first night but i know it was a good night. Nightclubs here charge a ridiculous amount just to get in, i would of paid £5.50 if i didn't have a student card completely ridiculous and its not even the best club in the area! As you might of guessed student finance have finally sorted their shit out, but because i am clueless on budgeting i'm not doing so well with it. Its getting better now thankfully, just had a bit of a rough patch. 

My flatmates are great too thankfully, not too messy and quite friendly... apart from one. We are four girls in total at the moment. She's nice and all but she begun stealing our food and using out plates, not a big deal when you first think about it but we are all on a strict budget. We have a guy moving in this weekend so I've heard, an NHS student hopefully he wont be too loud or too messy (poor fella). 

The course is driving me crazy, so many deadlines, so many things to do by certain times. It's split into three sections at the moment, critical studies, techniques and lastly a Documentary task. Started off the course a mess, i brought a camera and turns out the shutter would not fully open making them unusable, which now means i'm very behind and in serious need of catching up. The book work is the easy part its the hands on work that i'm behind on.

I've been extremely spoilt on my birthday, Michael gave me an IPad which i am ever so thankful for. Its definitely been useful in lectures as well as keeping me entertained on the train rides home. Mum and dad gave me some money which came in very handy, i was in need of buying some equipment. My brother and friends gave me clothes as well as a cheeky bottle of vodka. It was a good birthday actually, went out for a meal and had a few drinks at the flat.

As i've been by myself more often i have been listening to music, mostly George Ezra. His voice is soothing and his songs are extremely relaxing, which has been helping with all the stress. 
I've recently been re-watching American Horror Story, as well as catching up with the new series.
These last few weeks i've been reading "Photography" by Stephen Bull definitely a very useful book if you're interested in photography.

Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

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