Thursday, 11 December 2014

Advice from a university student

I've been at university for a while now so i’m pretty sure i qualify as a university student. By living in a student accommodation and attending university 4 days a week i found a few trick to get by. 
CAUTION: This will probably make you bored if you're not a uni student. 


Washing and drying clothes: I've been living in a student accommodation since the 14th of September and i found that washing and drying my clothes isn't the cheapest thing..At my accommodation washing and drying comes to around £5 for every load, that’s pretty price for anyone especially a student. Being on a budget is hard so if you can.. take your washing home when you go and visit, your mum will most likely do your washing for you but if she doesn’t it still works out A LOT cheaper!

 Inspections: If you live in a student accommodation you're most likely to have inspections once in a while. So when they do come up, DO NOT FREAK OUT! All they look for is for a tidy and clean room with no major damages done. Think of it this way.. You're a landlord, what would you like your rented out room to look like. If your room is damaged or has things that need fixing make sure you tell whoever is taking care of the accommodation, read through your contract they will probably fix it for free if its not your fault.

Room/flat mates: I've talked about one of my flat mates who started taking our food but she stopped now.. If this does happen to you talk to them, if that doesn’t work and you live in a student accommodation you can tell the person in charge and they will sort the situation out anonymously. Try to get on with your flat mates after all they are the people you are living with.. Treat them as friends.. last resort move out to another place.

Budget: I didn't want to know about budgeting when i moved in... I was living by myself for the first time, i wanted to have fun and i have an overdraft, noooo worries so I thought. But its bad, really bad.. My bank hates me! So to budget until the next loan I now have a few tips and tricks.. When buying online make sure you look on Google for any discount codes no matter the discount its better than paying full price. Search for something like "promo code for H&M" something will come up. 

Find out what day the supermarket you go to puts out the products that are about to go off their sell by date.. this will save you quite a bit, almost everything can be frozen this stops it going off. If you're planning on doing a shop and you can get to  few supermarkets is a great website to find the best deals. Keep in mind shopping on online supermarkets almost ALWAYS mess up your order... I got apple pies instead of bread once.

I’m not sure if all universities do this but at my university we have a student union which you can ask for a money loan which is £50, you will then give it back when you get your student loan. You can speak to them if you have no food in your cupboards and can’t afford to, they give you a basket which contains the necessary food to live on. If you find yourself short of cash ask your parents, they are there to help you.

  University life

Travelling: If you travel quite a lot a rail card can be quite useful, you do need to pay for the rail card but it lasts you a year and the savings are great. If you travel by bus (which i no longer do) find out what kind of discounts they do, i know that from 16 to 19 they do a young person’s ticket which does work out cheaper.

Your course: This really depends on what kind of course you’re doing but if you’re doing something art related expect to be spending A LOT of money and dedicating  lot of time. Work out a budget to put into your course and a budget for living. Try to get on with the people in your course because they are the people who will help you most.  There will be times where you will get overwhelmed and want to quit but try it out longer it may only be a phase, if you’re truely not happy then don’t waste your time & money doing something you hate. If you're finding it hard to cope talk to someone, your course leader or someone at your student union can help you with what you need, dont feel like you're alone.

Late nights: Lets be honest if you’re anything like me you know all about late nights from college. I used to stay up all night doing work to catch up and university wont change you no matter how much you think it will. Work out a schedule and stick to it like a life or death situation. Pro plus and coffee has helped me get through many sleepless nights and days at uni. Sleep is important so if you can avoid it, don’t stay up for too late and if you do take regular breaks.

Family, friends and boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes you’re at uni, yes you may be having an awesome time away from home but don’t forget about family and friends. Visit home at least once a month to catch up on everything, your family and friends can begin to feel like you no longer need them which can upset a few people, plus you need to get away from uni to relax with people you love.  If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and you’re living away from them make sure they know they play an important part in your life, visit them regularly and don’t let uni life take over. Try to balance your time with everyone including “Me time”, relax, take a break, make sure you’re not getting overwhelmed. 

University friends: Make friends with people outside your course, the best way to do this is hang out with flat mates or going to uni events.  Try getting involved with university activates like sports, communities and so on. Volunteering is always a great way to meet people and help the community.

Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Settled in

Almost two months in and i feel properly settled in now. My bags are all unpacked, my room is how i would want it to be (most of the time) and i now know how to get around. Although, it wasn't all that easy, i still find it hard to go home for the weekend and come back without crying. Miss everyone back home really, its a massive change from one day to another and i was definitely home sick at one point, i just sat in my room and cried. I've been home two times since getting here, mum and dad try to visit me here and there but they've been working. Thankfully my very understanding boyfriend has come to visit me quite a few times. One weekend at home is definitely not enough to spend with the family, the boyfriend and friends. I feel like i always disappoint someone when i try to spend the weekend with everyone.

Not working is doing my head in, i cant seem to find work here and doing nothing in the evening as well as the lack of money is driving me crazy. I miss working, i feel completely useless without having a job its just been so long. The first few Fridays and Saturdays off was nice but now im bored and ready to get out there, not in nightclubs mind you i'm done with that especially with the clubs around here. Talking about clubs I've only been out twice since getting here, i got so hammered the first night but i know it was a good night. Nightclubs here charge a ridiculous amount just to get in, i would of paid £5.50 if i didn't have a student card completely ridiculous and its not even the best club in the area! As you might of guessed student finance have finally sorted their shit out, but because i am clueless on budgeting i'm not doing so well with it. Its getting better now thankfully, just had a bit of a rough patch. 

My flatmates are great too thankfully, not too messy and quite friendly... apart from one. We are four girls in total at the moment. She's nice and all but she begun stealing our food and using out plates, not a big deal when you first think about it but we are all on a strict budget. We have a guy moving in this weekend so I've heard, an NHS student hopefully he wont be too loud or too messy (poor fella). 

The course is driving me crazy, so many deadlines, so many things to do by certain times. It's split into three sections at the moment, critical studies, techniques and lastly a Documentary task. Started off the course a mess, i brought a camera and turns out the shutter would not fully open making them unusable, which now means i'm very behind and in serious need of catching up. The book work is the easy part its the hands on work that i'm behind on.

I've been extremely spoilt on my birthday, Michael gave me an IPad which i am ever so thankful for. Its definitely been useful in lectures as well as keeping me entertained on the train rides home. Mum and dad gave me some money which came in very handy, i was in need of buying some equipment. My brother and friends gave me clothes as well as a cheeky bottle of vodka. It was a good birthday actually, went out for a meal and had a few drinks at the flat.

As i've been by myself more often i have been listening to music, mostly George Ezra. His voice is soothing and his songs are extremely relaxing, which has been helping with all the stress. 
I've recently been re-watching American Horror Story, as well as catching up with the new series.
These last few weeks i've been reading "Photography" by Stephen Bull definitely a very useful book if you're interested in photography.

Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Monday, 18 August 2014

Life Update

Student finance
Oh.. student finance.. Well. I'll let you guess.. Is it sorted? Is it not?
NO! ITS NOT! They didn't even bother telling me that my last evidence was not accepted! No letter, no phone call, no text, NO NOTHING! I had to ring up to find out myself. It got to 23 days and I had heard nothing and its only supposed to take up to 20 days so I rang them up and someone told me that it hadn't been accepted, which was lovely to find out I mean I haven't been trying to sort it out since April or anything nor am I  4 weeks away from moving into my accommodation. I don't even know if I'll have the loan to pay for my accommodation OR my course. I basically got told that my evidence wasn't enough and I had to send something else in which made me extremely angry, if I was trying to rip off the government or whatever I would of given up by now. So now I need to go back to my college to ask them to write me another letter for them with more detail to send to them which means it will take at least 2 days for that to be done and then wait for them to receive the letter so what another 5 days maybe AND THEN 20 more days for me to hear back. I DO NOT HAVE THAT MUCH TIME.

Well, its done. Its been conformed that my room reservation is all done and sorted and I move it on the 13th, I'm so excited cant wait to move in and sort all the stuff. Its a pretty awesome the room is actually bigger than my current room (image bellow not my room just accommodation example), I've got an en-suite and we are sharing a kitchen which I'm okay with, I'm just scared that I will get a messy person in my flat who will not bother cleaning after themselves. Nightmare right there. Its pretty awesome there, we have a parking lot that we CANNOT use, not that I would of used it I haven't even got a car. A chilling area with couches a TV and a pool table and lastly a laundry room with tumble dryers and washing machines.

Results day
I had results day on the 14th and the results were actually okay I was a bit disappointed I didn't get an A in Graphics after all the all nighters I had to do for it and all the work I put into it but apparently the grade boundaries were very high. But I was pretty happy with my results, I should go back this Thursday for my GCSE maths results but they will be sending it home so no reason for me to miss a day of work and go there.

Well I was very nervous about hearing back from uni but on the morning of August 14th I got an email from my uni of choice congratulating me on meeting their requested UCAS points and letting me know that I had been accepted. I was so excited, this had already made me happy and I didn't care much about my grades after that, I was just happy that I had been accepted into the university I wanted to go to. I am just a bit all over the place because the letters that I have gotten after that non say the exact day my lectures start which I guess they will let me know later on.

To get list
So because I've already got everything I need I've gone and done yet another list of things I need to SURVIVEEE!! So far I've brought cleaning things a few bottles of anti bacteria sprays as well as toilet cleaner and you know the basics cleaning supplies. I've already got like i said the anti bacteria spray, toiler cleaning, massive pack of toilet roll and kitchen roll as well as washing up liquid and so on. The list after that is for when I get to uni I'm planning on going to Asda with my mum and my brother once I get there and leave all the stuff in my room to go buy food in bulk so its cheaper plus I wont have to walk to the accommodation with bags and bags of food or get a taxi.

To do list
  • Go to college to pick up my new letter for bloody student finance!
  • I need to create another to get list for when I get to uni so I don't go to a super market and just get lots of crap.
  • I need to buy a folder to keep all important letters im getting through the post in so I don't loose anything.
  • I need to go to the bank to change my account into a student account now that I have been confirmed from uni.
  • I need to buy a printer (something I forgot on my list and I think it will be useful)
Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


After many months of gathering bargains & around £132.90 later I can safely say I have finished my accommodation checklist. I say finished.. I need to get myself a hand held vacuum and also a sandwich toaster but I like to say that i've finished it. Its mental when I think that I haven't even got my A level results back yet which means I don't know if I've been 100% accepted and ive already got everything I need to live on at the uni accommodation i'm hopefully staying at, ive already put £100 deposit. I'm such a bargain hunter though I think I started shopping for stuff for UNI ever since I got accepted for UNI now I can't remember if it was an open offer where I would only be allowed on if I had the grades or one of those offers where the grades doesn't matter. 

Tell you what thought its been hard staying on track with the checklist I have a thing for mugs.. I have a set of four gorgeous matching mugs and two additional mugs because I found them adorable if it wasn't for my mum I would have a lot more. So many cute things out there i've never loved pillows and door stoppers so much in my life! 

I've made a university haul video which I show all the things I've brought for UNI so it may help those who are moving to UNI or not but i thought it would be fun. Also i plan to vlog the trip on my first day moving into uni which will be on the 13th of September so excited! Also little update im still waiting to hear from student fiance!

Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The lovely Student Finance

If you are going through the process of applying for Student Finance OR have applied for in the past you are certainly likely to recognise the logo above. For those who have no idea who/what this is let me just look up on the trusty Wikipedia exactly what they actually are. "Student Finance is a company which offers student loans. A student loan is designed to help students pay for university tuition, books, and living expenses."
So in summary its a company which will offer people who are going up to University a loan to pay for the course and your living costs, yes its a major help, seems pretty straight forward right? WRONG! Student finance is known for being a pain in the as with their application process, the application is very time consuming so applying early is key. Almost everyone applies for student finance and the media makes them out to be the devil but to be honest its something we need so if you need the money there is no way around it if you cant afford to pay a university course.
Getting back on track I of course applied for Student Finance in April 2014 its now July 2014 and i'm STILL applying. Being born outside the UK it has made it 20 times more difficult to apply, this year they have asked for evidence showing that I have been and stayed in the UK since April 2011.. not hard right? WRONG AGAIN! I tried bank statements, I tried college attendance sheets for the three years, child benefits sheets directed to my parents with my name on it. Every time I rang up I kept being told something different, I rang up one time and a woman told me I couldn't send it college letters because it could of proved I only came to the UK for education BUT THEN I was told to send the college attendance sheets so... The last time I rang everything I sent in wasn't enough so I needed to send a letter written by my college head master to stay that ive been attending, fair enough, sent that over a month ago I called last Friday they hadn't received it but called on Monday to ask for information and they had it in.
A loan alone is something crazy to go through but I don't think i'll be applying for a loan any time soon its stressful to think that the loan wont be accepted and I cant attend the University that has already accepted me or that I wont get the money in time to pay for my accommodation.
Here are some key point to keep in mind if you're applying
      • Apply early in case of any delays
      • Read all information available to you, check out their website
      • Make sure you ring up if you have any queries (that's what their phone lines are there for)
      • Keep an eye out on the online portal for any updates when you are completing your application

Hope this helped
Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Clothes clothes clothes!

Lately I've been obsessing over River Island's clothes, after looking at all the clothes they had on their website i've come up with three outfits I'm in love with. I mean they've worked with Rihanna and I'm loving their trends and patterns right now so here is the three outfits I've put together, its all river Island so you can find all these pieces there.

"Night out"
I'm in love with this skirt, its simple and the belt adds a nice feature, the black and white crop top will not only help on those hot summer nights but its also flirty. The black platforms help add a little height and also makes any girl's legs look amazing, lastly I've chosen this bag for this outfit because of the addition of a splash of colour the creamy pink works well with the combination of black and white. ~ Skirt: £25, Crop top:  £12,  Black peep toe platform sandals: £55, Pink colour block patent envelope clutch bag: £18.     Total outfit price: £110.00

"Summer days"

I love this outfit because its clean, fresh and great for those not too hot yet not too cold summer days. I adore this dress because of the shoulder cut out its such a feminine cut the colour is very punk rock too I love that about it, the boots are gorgeous I like these because it adds a little height and black goes with everything can even pair it with jeans. The bag is very boohoo chic which I adore its big enough to put some sunglasses and a purse but small enough to make it easy to carry around, bringing back the animal print. Dark purple cold shoulder t-shirt dress: £25, Black chunky platform Chelsea boots: £40, Brown mixed animal print leather duffle bag:£80.
Total outfit price: £145

"A day by the seaside"
This is such a girly outfit and completely something I would feel comfortable in wearing. The coral top help those of us who are very conscious about our bellies the line of the shirt hog the body just at the right places, you can never go wrong with some blue sliming jeans and the earrings help add a little of that summer feel to the outfit alongside the flowery bag. Sandals are very in these go perfectly with the top. White striped floral print mini tote bag: £30, White daisy stud earrings: £2, Coral metal trim T bar sandals: £25, Coral puff print sleeveless peplum top: £30, Light wash Amelie reform superskinny jeans: £40
Total Outfit Price: £127.00
"Date night"
I'm in love with this purple colour as you can tell the dress is gorgeous it shows off the right amount of leg and the neck which is another attractive body part. I pared it with these hells because they are a very sexy the hell is small enough to make it easy to walk in. The bag goes nicely with the black shoes and the sparkle from the bag compliment the necklace. Dark purple bardot bodycon dress: £28, Black platform barely there sandals: £50, Gold tone gem encrusted necklace: £18, Black embellished cross body bag: £20.
Total outfit amount: £116.00
Hope I've inspired some people to go out there and expand on their wardrobe, shopping is like therapy girls!
Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Preparing for University

I started planning what to take to university ever since I got that email confirming that I've been accepted at my 1st choice University.
It was on a Thursday morning and I had lessons that day at college and I was just so overwhelmed I think I didn't shut up about it all day, had the biggest smile all my face. The boyfriend came round the same night with a congratulations gift (candles, love me some candles) he's always supported me, so patient. Mum and Dad surprised me when I told them I got accepted, mum was at home she was just like "eh" kind of thing doesn't really show of her emotions that one, she told dad he was on his way to work I got a lovely text congratulating me, mum said he was telling all his friends in the car I got accepted. Dad has always been really proud, always been very straightforward. First one in the family to go to University I am. 
Anyway back to packing! I was hooked on those YouTube videos "What to take to University", "University room tour" & so on I just love watching them, think I'm just nosey. Created my own little list on my phone on things I need to take to university, mind you I only came up with 29 and 21 are already ticked off!!

My friend is living in the same student accommodation I will be living in September, every time I go in there it drives me crazy I just want to move in. One downfall that I was expecting to happen anyway... NO PETS! Not even a goldfish, cant stress this enough how ridiculous. Its going to be so lonely without a pet, I have two dogs a crazy amount of fish and the bees and birds and the back of the garden how boring is it going to be by myself..
Cant wait for freshers week, the fame of it is insane and I think the only reason why i'm really looking forward to it is that I will finally have a Saturday off to go out and have a drink. Student finance is a whole new thing that I wont go into but be aware the process if very time consuming so start early. I started in April and i'm still trying to complete the process. University hasn't even started yet and its already a pain in the backside.

Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

How i got here

After doing my GCSE's I was finally glad to be able to call myself a college student.. No more horrible P.E lessons, no more sports day, no more horrible high school food.. I WAS FREE! That is until everything started going in wrong in college. I mixed with the wrong crowd and although I thought these people were my friends and I loved them it just didn't seem right to waste my education by skipping my hideous Law and Psychology classes (which I was hating and failing) to sit around smoking a fag and have a chit chat about what we got up to last Friday. I changed it around for myself  in time luckily, I ditched these classes that clearly were not right for me and I got on the right track. After three years of college my attendance finished at %85.60 at the highest its been since attending East Norfolk Sixth form College and I am finally glad to say that I am now currently doing my last college exams ever! Its been one heck of a journey and after working my ass off on my third and final year to at least attempt to get into a university, I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED!
Its chaotic at the moment, seems like it was only yesterday that I was putting on my tie for school in the morning and I'm now finding myself in Wilkinson debating on which Kettle I should take to university. Talking about kettles, I had no idea how expensive plates and cutlery is, madness! I'll be moving into my accommodation on the 13th of September which is an hour and a forty minutes away and I know leaving my friends, family and boyfriend behind will be hard but I'm ready to start this next step in my life and I refuse to miss out. They've all been extremely supportive listening to me go on and on and on about things i still need to buy and what theme I want my room to be and so on, I feel like a little girl sometimes.. me against the big bad world with bowls and spoons by my side oh and not forgetting my pug door stop.
I have a feeling I will miss my mum telling me to clean my room and doing my washing, dad annoying me every morning calling me moody for ignoring the three times he has already said "good morning" , me and my brother shouting names at each other (sibling love) for the fun of it of course and lastly having my boyfriend come over within 20 minutes of me saying I'm feeling down or ill. However... for now.. i see freedom ahead and I'm loving the idea of it. Late nights with my soon to be housemates, going out drinking more often, more independence, having the boyfriend stay over for longer with no one hassling me to do anything and lastly burning a bit of toast here and there.
Cant wait..
Until later.. Goodbye my lovelies
Sincerely Ady xoxo